Annual Ryegrass

Lolium multiflorum westerwoldicum
Annual ryegrass establishes very rapidly, which gives high productivity in the planting season. This species is mainly used for overseeding warm season pastures in the fall. Annual ryegrass is capable of producing high forage yields in a very short period of time.


Jumbo is a new tetraploid annual ryegrass bred by the famous University of Florida ryegrass breeder, Dr. Gordon Prine. Jumbo is a new generation tetraploid that combines superior rust resistance with great cold tolerance. It is a late maturing variety maximizing the growing season. Jumbo impresses with its vigorous growth and high yields throughout the South. The variety is suited for mechanical harvesting (silage) as well as grazing.


Hercules is an advanced generation, synthetic tetraploid annual ryegrass derived from crossing clones selected for high forage yield and high seed yield, while exhibiting improved disease resistance. Primary selection criteria included resistance to foliar pathogens such as stem rust, crown rust, leafspot and mildew.

Hercules annual ryegrass is a vigorous, high yielding variety that establishes quickly. It produces a high protein, palatable forage, with a high percentage of digestible nutrients. It is medium maturing, exhibiting good winter hardiness and excellent grazing/cutting recovery rates.

Hercules is an exceptional choice alone, or as a component of our Tetragold® brand tetraploid annual ryegrass blend.

Hercules is ideally suited to seeding tilled soil, but performs very well in an overseeding program. With excellent germination and seedling vigor, overseeding pastures or range with 20 to 30 lbs. per acre will result in lush, palatable forage when proper moisture and fertility levels are met.

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