GW-600 BMR is a medium-full season forage sorghum. This variety contains grain with high starch levels ideal for cattle consumption. It will come to harvest maturity in 90-95 days or the soft dough stage. Daily weight gains are improved with the increase in digestibility and palatability. Lignin, the indigestible matter in conventional sorghum forages, decreases by 35-40% in BMR 6 sorghum forages. GW-600 BMR can reach 75-80% TDN, and cattle will actively consume more of the plant due to the increase in valuable fiber. This hybrid responds well to moisture and a balanced fertility profile. As with all forage sorghums that produce grain, the nutritive value will begin to decline after the soft dough stage. We recommend prompt harvest to ensure the balance between high feed value and maximum yield. Test results in the high plains indicate that this hybrid can produce a yield and nutrient quality similar to that of silage corn. The NDFD can be several percent higher with this hybrid making it a more efficient forage for producing more beef or milk.

Planting Rates:

  • Seeds per pound: Approximately 16,000 – 18,000